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Instead of passing numbers to methods or comparing numbers in Events callbacks, you can use the following Enums to do so. Examples:

-- Using Enums to figure out which StanceMode the Character is
Character.Subscribe("StanceModeChanged", function(character, old_stance, new_stance)
    if (new_stance == StanceMode.Standing) then
        Console.Log("I'm Standing!")
    else if (new_stance == StanceMode.Crouching) then
        Console.Log("I'm Crouching!")

-- Using Enums to pass a Light Type to the constructor
local my_light = Light(Vector(-5, 0, 50), Rotator(), Color.RED, LightType.Point)

-- Using Enums to set the Character View Mode


The functions which use the Enums are still receiving numbers as parameters (as always), using Enums is just a facilitator.

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