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Coming From FiveM (GTA)#

Welcome FiveM developers! 👋

Here you'll learn about how, and why, you should develop in HELIX. Let's start with some key differences from FiveM:

  • Built By Modders, For Modders

    As HELIX is foremost a tool built for developers, not just a game, it means we can offer first-class developer and player workflows.

    • This means more time doing what you love (developing quality content) and less time spent on cumbersome workarounds and player installation issues.
  • Unreal Engine 5

    HELIX is built on Unreal Engine 5 (UE5) whereas FiveM uses GTA V's engine.

    • This fundamental difference means that HELIX can leverage all the advanced features and capabilities of UE5 (from graphical fidelity to performance), opening up far greater possibilities for game development.
  • API Improvements

    While both FiveM and HELIX offer robust scripting APIs for game development, HELIX provides a more structured and modular approach, with an emphasis on class-based architecture and simplified event handling.

    • These differences can lead to more maintainable and scalable codebases, especially for larger projects.
    • As the HELIX scripting API continues to evolve, we aim to further streamline the development process, making it easier for developers to build and manage complex games.

Auto-Convert Scripts

Install the fivem-to-helix package from the Vault and follow the instructions inside [coming soon!]

Event Handling and Remote Calls#

Category FiveM HELIX
Concepts AddEventHandler Events.Subscribe
RegisterNetEvent Events.SubscribeRemote
TriggerEvent Events.Call
TriggerServer/ClientEvent Events.CallRemote

In FiveM, event handling and remote calls are managed using functions like AddEventHandler, RegisterNetEvent, TriggerEvent, and TriggerServerEvent/TriggerClientEvent.

  • HELIX, on the other hand, simplifies this process with Events.Subscribe for local events and Events.SubscribeRemote for network events.
  • Similarly, HELIX uses Events.Call for local event triggering and Events.CallRemote for remote event triggering.

Structure and Modularity#

The overall structure of the code in HELIX is similar to FiveM, but with some notable differences:

  • Manifest Files: FiveM uses fxmanifest.lua to define resource metadata, while HELIX uses Package.toml for the same purpose.
  • Entry Point: In HELIX, the main entry point for both client and server scripts is Index.lua, and this file must retain this name. All other modules need to be included within Index.lua using Package.Require('module.lua').

Modules in HELIX are organized under Client/, Server/, or Shared/ directories, and paths are relative to these directories.

Object and Class Handling#

HELIX offers a class-based approach for most of its functionalities, providing a more structured and object-oriented programming experience.

Below are some direct translations from FiveM to HELIX:


Examples FiveM HELIX
NUI Focus SetNuiFocus(enable_input, enable_mouse) Input.SetInputEnabled(enable_input)
NUI Message SendNUIMessage({action = "togglePhone", data = not isOpen }) main_hud = WebUI("Phone", "file://ui/index.html")
main_hud:CallEvent("togglePhone", not isOpen)
NUI Event window.addEventListener('message', function(event) { if ( === "togglePhone") { Events.Subscribe("togglePhone", function(bool) {


Examples FiveM HELIX
Player Kick DropPlayer(src, reason) my_player:Kick(reason)
Player Name GetPlayerName(src) my_player:GetAccountName()
Player Ped local ped = PlayerPedID() local player = Client.GetLocalPlayer()
local ped = player:GetControlledCharacter()

Character (ped)#

Examples FiveM HELIX
Animation TaskPlayAnim() ped:PlayAnimation()
Set Coords SetEntityCoords(ped, coords) ped:SetLocation(coords)
Get Coords GetEntityCoords(ped) ped:GetLocation()
Set Heading SetEntityHeading(ped, rotation) ped:SetRotation(0.0, rotation, 0.0)
Set Model SetPlayerModel(ped, model) ped:SetMesh(skeletal_mesh_asset)
Freeze Entity FreezeEntityPosition(ped, bool) ped:SetInputEnabled(bool)
Get Vehicle GetVehiclePedIsIn(ped) ped:GetVehicle()


Examples FiveM HELIX
Spawn local my_veh = CreateVehicle(hash, x, y, z) local my_veh = HSimpleVehicle(location, rotation, blueprint_asset)
Door Interaction SetVehicleDoorShut / SetVehicleDoorOpen my_veh:SetDoorState(Doorindex, NewState, Curvetype)
Get Speed GetEntitySpeed(entity) my_veh::GetVehicleSpeed()


Examples FiveM HELIX
Timeout SetTimeout(milliseconds, callback) Timer.SetTimeout(callback, milliseconds)
Vector vector3(X, Y, Z) Vector(X, Y, Z)
Heading int Rotator(0.0, int, 0.0) (Rotator Yaw = Heading)
Entity Delete DeleteEntity(entity) actor:Destroy()

Integration with Other Tools and Frameworks#

The integration with UI frameworks and other tools in HELIX is similar to FiveM. Both environments support extensive UI development and integration, allowing developers to create rich, interactive interfaces for their applications.

Next Steps#