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Default Materials

Older/Work In Progress Page

  • This page was initially written for an older version of Helix, has not been updated, and may be out of date!
  • Contributions are more than welcome (see buttons at the top right of the page).

Default Materials and it's Parameters.

Template Materials#

HELIX provides several built-in template materials which can be easily used and customized with Paintable methods.


You can create and access your own Materials Parameters if you have a Mesh which uses a Custom Material!


For more information regarding Material Types and Blend Modes, please refer to Unreal Docs.

Parameters Supported by Default Materials#

Type Parameter Default Value Description
Color Tint Color.WHITE Affects Base Color input
Texture Texture White Texture Image which multiplies with Tint to generate the final color
Texture Normal UP Normal Map Vector(0.5, 0.5, 1) Image which affects how Light reflects on the object
​​​Color​ Emissive Color.BLACK Affects Emissive input, high values will cause bloom effect
Scalar​ Metallic 0 Affects Metallic input - goes from 0 to 1
Scalar Specular 0.5 Affects Specular input - goes from 0 to 1
Scalar Roughness 0.65 Affects Roughness input - goes from 0 to 1
Scalar Opacity 0 Affects Opacity and Opacity Mask inputs - goes from 0 to 1
Opacity multiplies with Texture Alpha Channel to generate the final opacity


For more information regarding how each Parameter affects the final visual, please take a look at Unreal Physically Based Materials and Material Inputs docs page.


Masked and Lit Material.


Masked and Unlit Material.


Translucent and Lit Material.


Translucent, Lit with Disable Depth Test enabled. Is the same as Translucent but will be always visible in the screen, even behind walls or other objects.


Translucent, Lit with Deferred Decal Material Domain, to be used in Decals.

Special Utils Materials#


Opaque, Lit with a Noise node to produce a noise effect. Also provides Speed (Vector) and Scale (Scalar) parameters.


Translucent, Lit with Wireframe enabled, meaning it renders objects as Wireframe.


Note: All those Materials in this page are already included in the base game in the Default HELIX Asset Pack, you can reference them like that: helix::M_Default_Masked_Lit.

Materials Summary#

Domain Blend Mode Shading Model
M_Default_Masked_Lit Surface Masked Default Lit
M_Default_Masked_Unlit Surface Masked Unlit
M_Default_Translucent_Lit Surface Translucent Default Lit
M_Default_Translucent_Lit_Depth Surface Translucent Default Lit
M_Default_Translucent_Lit_Decal Deferred Decal Translucent Default Lit
M_Noise Surface Opaque Default Lit
M_Wireframe Surface Translucent Default Lit


Opaque are the most efficient ones but doesn't support Opacity or Opacity Mask.

Masked are the most common ones and supports Opacity Mask only. It means the Opacity parameter accepts only 0 or 1.

Translucent are the heavier ones to render, and cause a lot of overdraw (and performance issues) if used incorrectly. It supports Opacity but does not support Normal, Metallic, Specular and Roughness inputs by default for optimization reasons.

Supported Common Parameters in each Material#

Tint Texture Normal Emissive Metallic Specular Roughness Opacity
M_Default_Masked_Lit true true true true true true true true*
M_Default_Masked_Unlit false true false true false false false true*
M_Default_Translucent_Lit true true false true false false false true
M_Default_Translucent_Lit_Depth true true false true false false false true
M_Default_Translucent_Lit_Decal true true true true true true true true
M_Noise false false false true true true true false
M_Wireframe true false false true false false false false

**Masked Material's Opacity supports only Opacity Mask: 0 or 1*

Physical Materials#

Physical Materials are materials which define Physical properties of an object. With Paintable.SetPhysicalMaterial() you can change the default physical material of an Entity.

Besides the Physical Properties of an object (friction, restitution, density, etc), Physical Materials are used in HELIX for applying special effects and sounds when events happen. For example on Footsteps Effects, Bullets Impacts or Objects Hits.

HELIX provides a list of the built-in Physical Materials which you can use to override in-game the Physical properties of an Entity.


You also can create your own Physical Materials and use them in-game! Just remember to configure in them the proper SurfaceType for a better integration!

Friction Restitution Density Surface Type
PM_Concrete 0.9 0.3 2.0 SurfaceType.Concrete
PM_Flesh 0.7 0.3 1.0 SurfaceType.Flesh
PM_Glass 0.2 0.2 2.0 SurfaceType.Glass
PM_Grass 0.7 0.3 1.0 SurfaceType.Grass
PM_Gravel 0.7 0.3 1.0 SurfaceType.Gravel
PM_Ground 0.7 0.3 1.0 SurfaceType.Ground
PM_Metal 0.6 0.1 1.0 SurfaceType.MetalHeavy
PM_MetalLight 0.6 0.2 1.0 SurfaceType.MetalLight
PM_Mud 0.7 0.3 1.0 SurfaceType.Mud
PM_Plastic 0.7 0.7 1.0 SurfaceType.Plastic
PM_Rock 0.9 0.3 1.0 SurfaceType.Rock
PM_Rubber 0.7 1.0 1.0 SurfaceType.Rubber
PM_RubberBouncy 0.05 0.9 1.0 SurfaceType.Rubber
PM_Sand 0.6 0.3 1.0 SurfaceType.Sand
PM_Water 0.7 0.3 1.0 SurfaceType.Water
PM_Wood 0.7 0.3 0.5 SurfaceType.WoodLight
PM_WoodHeavy 0.7 0.3 0.5 SurfaceType.WoodHeavy