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Server Configuration

Older/Work In Progress Page

  • This page was initially written for an older version of Helix, has not been updated, and may be out of date!
  • Contributions are more than welcome (see buttons at the top right of the page).

All you need to know to Configure your server!

Server Configuration File#

The server Configuration file Config.toml is generated automatically when the server is launched for the first time. This file will always be overridden with the proper pattern after the server is loaded.


HELIX Config files use TOML (Tom’s Obvious, Minimal Language), please refer to for more information and syntax.

# server configurations
    # server name
    name =              "HELIX server"
    # server description (max 127 characters)
    description =       ""
    # server logo URL (recommended size: 150x75)
    logo =              ""
    # max players
    max_players =       10
    # leave it blank for no password
    password =          ""
    # server IP. we recommend leaving it for default
    ip =                ""
    # server port (TCP and UDP forwarding needed)
    port =              7777
    # query port (UDP forwarding needed)
    query_port =        7778
    # announce server in the master server list
    announce =          true
    # server tick rate in milliseconds (dangerous! server will tick at each [tick_rate] ms, affecting both server and client performance. 33 ms means 30 ticks per second and is the default and recommended value)
    tick_rate =         33
    # log Level. (1) normal - (2) debug - (3) verbose
    log_level =         2

# HELIX configurations
    # game-mode package to load (set the main game-mode package to load - you can load only one 'game-mode' package type at once)
    game_mode =         ""
    # packages script list (leave it blank to load all packages, this is usually useful when you have tons of packages downloaded and only wants to load one or some)
    packages = [

    # asset packs list (this will additionally load the asset packs you define here)
    assets = [

    # default startup map
    map =               "default-blank-map"
    # banned HELIX account IDs
    banned_ids = [


Settings Detailed#

Setting Description
name Name of the Server
description Description of the Server
max_players Max amount of players allowed to join
password Password to be able to connect
ip Server IP. We recommend leaving it blank
port Server main Port and HTTP Port (UDP/TCP)
query_port Server query Port (UDP)
announce Whether to announce or not in the Server List
tick_rate Server Tick in ms. We recommend leaving it 33
log_level Which Log level to output
game_mode game-mode package to load - you can only load one game-mode at once.
packages script packages to load
assets Additional assets to force to load
map Defines map to load (Different maps can be loaded by importing custom maps)
banned_ids List of banned HELIX account IDs

Logo Image#

It is possible to have a custom image to be displayed in the server list. For that, add a file called Server.jpg besides the server executable with the logo you wish. The recommended size is 300x150.

Map & Level#

The Map (or Level) is defined in the Server’s config file, this level will be loaded when the player joins the server and the Path is supposed for be or a built-in asset or an asset which is located at Assets/ folder.

HELIX counts on (for now) 2 built-in maps: default-blank-map, and "default-ocean-map" which can be used in your server without needing to download any Asset Pack. Different maps can be loaded by importing custom maps

Server Console#

Built-in Commands#

Command Description
chat <message> Sends a chat message
kick <player_d> <reason> Sends a chat message
map <map_path> Changes the Map, reloads all Packages and reconnect all Players
stop Stops the server
players lists all players connected
package run <package_name> <lua_code> Runs a code in a package
package reload <package_name> Reloads a package
package hotreload <package_name> Hot-reloads a package (reloads all files but keeps the memory as is)
package reload all Reloads all packages and restarts the Lua Virtual Machine
package unload <package_name> Unloads a package
package load <package_name> Loads a package

Custom Commands#

All (non built-in) commands will be sent into an event to the scripting/server-side:

Server.Subscribe("Console", function(my_input)
    Console.Log("Console command received: " .. my_input)

Command Line Parameters#

It is possible to override the Server Configuration with Command Line Parameters. Note: this will not write to the Config file.

Parameter Value Type Description
--name string Server name
--description string Server description
--logo string Server Logo
--password string Server password
--ip string Server IP
--map string Map to load
--port number Server port
--query_port number Server Query port
--announce 0 or 1 If announce in master list
--game_mode string Server game-mode
--packages string list Server packages
--assets string list Server assets
--token string Server authorization token
--max_players number Max allowed players
--dedicated_server 0 or 1 If to start as a Dedicated Server or P2P
--async_log 0 or 1 If to use async or sync logs (async provides better performance) - default is 1
--log_level 1, 2 or 3 If to use Normal, Debug or Verbose logs
--custom_settings string A list of Custom Settings to be passed to scripting
--compression 0-9 Sets the compression level to use in some networking operations - 0 disables it, 1 is the fastest and 9 is the slower but highest compression ratio
--save flag If to save the parameters in Config.toml
--profiling flag Enables Performance Profiling Logs for debugging
--auto_download flag Automatically downloads Packages and Assets from Vault if needed
--log_show_thread flag Shows the current running thread of each outputted log


Flag Value Types don't require any argument, just pass the parameter like --parameter.

One-liner Server Configuration#

With Command Line Parameters it is also possible to automate the full server installation, here's an example:

# Starts the server with all configs set
HELIXGameServer.exe --name "HELIX Amazing Sandbox" --description "Awesome Sandbox Server" --map "helix::TestingMap" --gamemode "sandbox" --packages "battlefield-kill-ui,ts-fireworks-tools" --port 7777 --query_port 7778 --max_players 32 --logo ""

Another shorter example:

# Starts the server with all configs set and auto downloads the packages and assets if needed
HELIXGameServer.exe --name "HELIX Amazing Sandbox" --description "Awesome Sandbox Server" --map "helix::TestingMap" --gamemode "sandbox" --packages "battlefield-kill-ui,ts-fireworks-tools" --port 7777 --query_port 7778 --max_players 32 --auto_download 1 --logo ""

Common Console Messages and Errors#

Server Tick too/extreme high! Verify the server performance! Server got stuck for Xms...#

It means the server got stuck for X milliseconds. The warning yellow is not something to worry about, but too many messages in red could mean your server infrastructure is not that good or your scripting code is not that optimized.

Usually the server runs at 33 ticks per second (or the value configured at Config.toml), the server runs in an infinite loop in that frequency, and inside that loop all server operations are executed, such as receiving and sending network packets, triggering lua events, executing functions or callbacks, and so on.

If a single tick takes more than 33 milliseconds, this warning will appear up.


In some shared VPS, this warning may appear up more frequently due how the VPS handles the scaling of it's machines, sometimes the provider may think your VPS is "idle" (due HELIX server using extremely low CPU) and may decrease your processing power, causing this warning show up as well.

Lua Stack Error: Should be X, is Y...#

This is an internal error and should not supposed to happen. Those are guards set around our Lua Scripting implementation to prevent bad things from happening. If this error appears it means a implementation bug happened. Please communicate immediately with the devs, and if possible how to reproduce that!